When you log in to our site, or as soon as you proceed to the checkout, all information is encrypted. To be able to complete a purchase, you need to register an account. All information about your purchases can be found here. The person responsible for all personal data is Arsa-Data AB, and we never pass on or sell information to third parties, except for Samport, Klarna & Santander Consumer bank which handles the money transfers, invoice purchases & instalments.
You have the right to request an extract from the register to be able to register what information is stored about you, and we adjust incorrect information on request. Upon written request, we delete all your information from our systems.
Arsa-Data will never send you e-mails for advertising purposes unless you have asked us to do so.
Our website uses so-called cookies. It is a standardized technology that almost all websites today use. The purpose is to be able to keep statistics on how the website is used and give us useful information on how we can improve the pages for our users. In the settings of your browser, you can choose not to accept cookies if desired.
Waste collection and sorting. We at Arsa-Data AB sort all our waste with us locally and leave it for Vafab to collect.
Energy sources. All electricity used by Arsa-Data AB only comes from renewable resources. Nordic Green Energy takes responsibility for ensuring that all electricity delivered to us is origin marked.
E-waste. We work actively with sorting of electronic scrap and hazardous waste.
Arsa-Data AB cooperates with the City of Västerås (Daily operations).
It allows people with disabilities to occupy themselves with our electronic scrap through disassembly and scrapping of electronic components.
Arsa-Data AB prioritises eco-labelled products primarily when purchasing new products.
We at Arsa-Data AB make an active and conscious environmental choice when it comes to choosing our suppliers, transport companies or courier companies.
It is beneficial for the environment to buy used products as much as possible. Arsa-Data AB renovates used computers and makes them ready for use for those customers who prefer used machines compared to buying new ones.
A reThink product has the exact same functionality, stability and performance as a new retail product. The reThink idea is to establish a guarantee that you will have the same positive experience with a surplus product, as with a new retail product - just at an extremely attractive price. You can save up to 30% on a reThink product compared to a similar new Lenovo retail product.
The reThink program is eco-friendly - versus destruction of high quality products with much longer life cycles. The added value brought through the reThink program ensures that these products once more become an attractive alternative to new products in the market.
Unfortunately, most purchases are made centrally, which means that small business owners cannot participate and compete with larger competitors.
Working, shopping and supporting local traders is the key to better business growth and reducing unemployment in the region. As a small company, we have always taken responsibility for the environment and society. We have had great challenges and obstacles to overcome, but still achieved good results. We are proud of what we have achieved and will continue to fight to improve ourselves, our business model and also inspire and influence other companies.
Every year, Arsa-Data AB sponsors some sports clubs, e-sports clans and associations.